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Penderels Trust - Direct Payment Support Services

Location and Contact details

Seven Stars Estate
Wheler Road

Telephone: 02476 511611


Type of organisation

  • Voluntary Sector Service

Descripton of organisation

  • Community Based Service
Provider of support services for independent living

miles (straight line)
miles (approximate road distance)

Entry last updated

Nov 3, 2012

Further Details

Penderels Trust offers advice, guidance and practical support to enable people with disabilities to live independently in their own homes, to achieve their goals in life and to help them play an active part in their community.

We offer a full direct payment/personal budget support service including:
- Support when recruiting a personal assistant
- Guidance on all aspects of being a good employer including legal obligations and responsibilities
- Support with choosing and using a care agency
- Help with money management and keeping accurate records
- Full payroll service
- Third party supported accounts for people who are not able or don't wish to manage their own care money
- Appointeeships for people who need financial support with their personal money
- Support planning and brokerage service

Every individual is unique and we work with each person to establish a care package that works for them.

Services available

ABI Specialist National Regional Local
Advice no yes yes yes
Training (for clients/patients) no yes yes yes
Training (for families/carers) no yes yes yes
Training (for staff) no yes yes yes
National = country wide, Regional = offering a service within 150 miles, Local = offering a service within 50 miles

This service adheres to the following Regulatory Frameworks / is affiliated to the following bodies:

Charities Commission
Investors in People
Positive about Disabled People (JobCentre Plus)
Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce
Wales Alliance for Citizen Directed Support

Referrals can be made by

GP no
Consultant no
Healthcare Professional no
Self/Advocate/Family yes
Other professional eg Social Care/Case Manager yes

How are services paid for?

yes Publicly funded - individually commissioned
Regularly Sometimes Never
NHS nonoyes
Social Care Services yesnono
Jointly funded by NHS & Social Care Services nonoyes

yes Privately funded (anyone can purchase)

- Most of our services are paid for via public funding (local authority contracts). Private individuals can also buy our services from our 'menu of services'.

Typical duration that a service is offered

Typically, an individual referred to Penderels Trust would have an established direct payment package after three months; after this time, we would expect most people to manage their own care on a day-to-day basis. However, in some cases, we support people actively on an ongoing basis.

In contracted areas, our support service is always available so an individual can come back to us for assistance at any time.

In non-contracted areas or with private funders, we can offer ongoing support services at a reasonable cost.

This Service was mapped by None. See HERE for more information

Services available are defined by the following EHIG Rehabilitation Codes

For an explanation of the codings please click here


[Code 110]
Patient description
Information and guidance over a continuum. Family support and outreach. Advocacy

All sites

Description of rehabilitation input
Information and guidance over a continuum. Family support and outreach. Advocacy

This service is defined by the NMDS (National Minimum Data Set) codes as:

For an explanation of the NMDS, please click here

No Data for NMDS

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