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  1. "BrainNav" is a partnership between Optua UK, Thompsons and UKABIF.

  2. The information on this web site is provided free of charge and on the basis that neither the "BrainNav Partnership", nor any of its steering committee members will have any liability for the information given.

  3. The information is provided to us voluntarily by people involved in services related to acquired brain injury. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information provided by them on the web site are expressed or made by them and not the "BrainNav Partnership".

  4. Please note that the "BrainNav Partnership" does not necessarily endorse or recommend any of the organizations or services mentioned on the web site and we do not investigate any of the details provided to us. However, the service information pages give details of any accreditation or regulatory frameworks each service states that they adhere to and we recommend that you use these details to inform any decision relating to the suitability of a service to your needs.

  5. The information on the web site is not intended to address your particular requirements. It does not constitute any form of advice by us and you should not rely solely on this information when deciding about treatment and other services available.

  6. The "BrainNav Partnership" does its best to ensure that all information on the web site is accurate and up to date. Please let us know if you think any information is inaccurate or out of date via the link on the "Contact Us" page.

  7. Although we hope this Site will be of interest to users, we accept no liability and offer no warranties in relation to it and its content to the fullest extent that such liability can be excluded by law.

  8. Except where you give us express permission, we do not retain any personal data that you may provide to us in the course of using the web site except for the purposes of processing your enquiry or request. For example, if you contact us by email, we would only keep your email address while communicating with you about your query. We do not sell your details to any third party.
This website has been jointly developed by Optua UK, UKABIF and Thompsons Solicitors. For more information visit About Us. © 2025 BrainNav – All Rights Reserved