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Headwise Limited

Location and Contact details

Innovation Centre
Longbridge Technology Park
West Midlands
B31 2TS

Telephone: 0121 222 5342


Type of organisation

  • Private Company Service

Descripton of organisation

  • Community Based Service

miles (straight line)
miles (approximate road distance)

Entry last updated

Nov 3, 2012

Further Details

Headwise is a leading independent health and social care organisation specialising in providing a wide range of clinical, rehabilitation, educational & medico-legal services for adults, children and families across England and Wales.
We provide services to individuals with physical disabilities, neurological conditions, cognitive impairments and mental health problems and behavioural problems. Referrals for our services are accepted from private individuals, case managers, solicitors and insurance companies.
Headwise£s clinical services are provided by our team of highly skilled and motivated clinicians from disciplines including psychology, occupational therapy, nursing and physiotherapy. Our therapists work holistically with individuals, their families/carers, employers and/or teachers delivering individual, couple, family and group therapy.
Services can be delivered in the individual£s home, the community, schools, residential settings or at one of our conveniently located and modern offices in Telford or Birmingham.
Headwise also offers a wide range of services to organisations including therapy provision, training and development and a therapeutic group programme.

Services available

ABI Specialist National Regional Local
Clinical psychology yes no yes yes
Community support yes no yes yes
Family Support yes no yes yes
Neuropsychology yes yes yes yes
Occupational Therapy no no yes yes
Psychology no yes yes yes
Rehabilitation Consultant yes no yes yes
Training (for clients/patients) no no no yes
Training (for families/carers) no no no yes
Training (for staff) no no no yes
National = country wide, Regional = offering a service within 150 miles, Local = offering a service within 50 miles

This service adheres to the following Regulatory Frameworks / is affiliated to the following bodies:

British Psycholgoical Society, Health Professions Council

Referrals can be made by

GP no
Consultant no
Healthcare Professional yes
Self/Advocate/Family no
Other professional eg Social Care/Case Manager yes

How are services paid for?

yes Publicly funded - individually commissioned
Regularly Sometimes Never
NHS noyesno
Social Care Services noyesno
Jointly funded by NHS & Social Care Services noyesno

yes Privately funded (anyone can purchase)

Typical duration that a service is offered

Single assessment and report for Medico-legal

Psychological therapy based on individual need

This Service was mapped by None. See HERE for more information

Services available are defined by the following EHIG Rehabilitation Codes

For an explanation of the codings please click here


[Code 70]
Patient description
Medically stable, able to actively participate with and benefit from therapy. Will include spectrum of initial severity of injury with a small minority derived from Code 05 category

Domiciliary or day hospital

Description of rehabilitation input
Interdisciplinary co-ordinated management therapy aimed at community re-integration/inclusion by enhancing independence, wellbeing, & assist return to work/education. In collaboration with Social Services, neuropsychiatry, voluntary and statutory services. Includes treatment of patients in their own homes, or with live-in carers.


[Code 75]
Patient description
Medically stable, requiring supportive environment/accommodation, able to actively participate with and benefit from therapy. Will include spectrum of initial severity of injury with a small minority derived from Code 05 category

Residential Care/Supported Housing

Description of rehabilitation input
Retraining and enablement in day-to-day domestic and community-based tasks in a non-hospital, home-like environment, aimed at community re-integration/ inclusion by enhancing independence, wellbeing, & assist return to work/ education. In collaboration with Social Services, neuropsychiatry, voluntary and statutory services. Help for family/carers in supporting the person in these roles, and with identifying statutory support available.


[Code 80]
Patient description
Medically stable, independently mobile, primarily cognitive impairments likely to benefit from intensive neuropsychological therapy

Domiciliary or day hospital

Description of rehabilitation input
Interdisciplinary, holistic and intensive assessment and therapy programme – addressing individual cognitive, social, emotional and physical needs, with the aim of a return to work, studies or independent community life.


[Code 115]
Patient description
Medically stable. Able to live in the community alone or with others.

Client's home/the community

Description of rehabilitation input
Enablement, support and care to develop social skills, stamina, confidence, attention & leisure pursuits, sorting out benefits, day supervision & respite care. Specific attention paid to Community involvement & integration (further education etc), Personal social development and empowerment and structuring activity towards achieving goals. Includes support that may be purchased with a personal budget.


[Code 135]
Patient description

All sites

Description of rehabilitation input
Providing practical/ technological solutions to challenges and limitations imposed by cognitive, behavioural and physical disability.

This service is defined by the NMDS (National Minimum Data Set) codes as:

For an explanation of the NMDS, please click here

Level 3A (other local specialist services): Treat patients with Category C needs and is led/supported by consultants trained in specialties other than rehabilitation medicine

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